Simulator Audio Visual Solutions (AVS)

Simulator Audio Visual Solutions:
Total Immersion should be your absolute goal!

Having worked on a huge variety of projects we have seen how important simulator audio visual solutions are. We have seen people spend small fortunes on amazing looking cockpits only for them to choose a visual solution that lacks immersion and ruins the overall effect.

Don’t break the illusion!

Any kind of visual systems that doesn’t fully cover the windows of your project or at the very least your own field of view will feel like you’re watching a movie but can see the camera man and crew in frame. It breaks the illusion and ruins the experience.

So what do you need for a curved screen set up?

Simply Four items:

But how much does it cost?

This depends on the type of simulator you have, the room available and your choice of projector.

Recommended Budget Airliner Simulator Set up

Projection Screen – 4m diameter, aluminum without projector mounts – €2499 Euros
3 x Ultra Short Throw HD Projectors (Typically around 750 Euros each) – €2250 Euros
Warping software – The industry standard is Immersive Display lite and Pro – €180.00

Total Budget €4929.00

Recommended Budget Fighter Simulator Set up

Projection Screen – 3m diameter, aluminum without projector mounts – €1499 Euros
3 x Ultra Short Throw HD Projectors (Typically around 750 Euros each) – €2250 Euros
Warping software – The industry standard is Immersive Display lite and Pro – €180.00

Total Budget €3929.00

Whilst a significant investment, typically nowhere near what you will invest on your simulator, but a great visual solution and good simulator is definitely more immersive than an amazing simulator and average visual solution.

Projection Screen
Our custom aluminum solutions start from 1499 Euros for a 3M diameter and go upwards depending upon diameter, height, projection mounts included etc – contact us for a price.
Simworx Flight Simulators - Projection Screen

This is the typical aluminum screen that we supply. It can be made to any dimensions in diameter, FOV and Height. We can also include projector mounting systems as well.Prices for a 180 degree screen start at around 1499 Euros and take under an hour to erect. They also can be put away and stored in very little space.

The following film is the result of a 180 degree warped screen with 3 HD projectors and a 3.5m diameter screen. Highly immersive and almost indistinguishable from the view from a real aircraft. No part of the screens edge is visible to the pilots.

Choice of Projectors

The projector is typically the biggest influence on budget. You can see from the above film that for 90% of home or experience company users an HD projector is more than capable of producing stunning results.

However if you have deeper pockets and want pin point definition and cutting edge tech then you need to look at a Lazer projector. The entry level models start around 2000 Euros for a single projector. However, the results are close to monitor levels of image definition.

With projectors typically the more budget mean the better the image. And you can even spend an enormous 25K per projector if you really want the best of the best!