Custom Flight Simulators & Parts

Custom Flight Simulators & Parts
Any Aircraft – Any Environment

We are the first company in the world to specialise in building bespoke / custom flight simulators and parts from scratch so you can bring your dream project to life. That’s any make or model of aircraft you can think off whether it’s a real airframe converted to a simulator or a totally scratch built panel, cockpit or cabin section we will make it work with any software application you want including; X-Plane, DCS, P3d, Microsoft FSX , 2020 or IL3. Established for 12 years and based in Cartagena, Spain we are a small team of PCB & CAD designers, Programmers, Mechanical, Electrical and Design engineers that love everything about turning ideas into real totally immersive environments. Some of the industries we have worked on include:

If you want to read about some of the projects we have worked on then checkout below:

Prices Everybody Can Afford

When approaching one off custom designs we turn to a combination of rapid prototyping techniques mixed with the latest in design manufacturing capability and because we have 90% of what we need housed in our own fully equipped 5000 Sq Ft engineering workshop you are not paying for us to pay others to complete the work. In house capabilities include.

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For full prices visit our shop and choose the service that suits you or use the following quick links …